Hong Kong has become a recreation ground for the rich mainlanders.
The global push against high paid investment bankers has slowed down the growth on luxury residential rents. Also sales at new retail like Elements ICC in Kowloon are nothing compared to its counterparts across the harbour at IFC.
China's frown on extravagant spending is having affect on retail terrain:
- http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?pp_cat=1&art_id=133397&sid=39604666&con_type=1
Big Brands are chasing Asian money

E-commerce meanwhile is exploding, especially in China. This from The Economist.
Will the Chinese make their way back to Vancouver for the fresh air and ease of commute?
The Avian flu scare is certainly pushing some to reconsider a move back to North America again.
There is fear that there could be backlash to the study that more than 25 per cent of Downtown Vancouer condos are owned by foreign investors. In any event the connection between Asia and Vancouver is hereby noted.
Bamboo network | Real Estate Fund Manager.com
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